What if you believe?

When that line came to me months ago, I was struck by how it truly represents who I am. One of the things that I am most known for is my encouragement to people to believe in themselves and to believe in their dreams.

What if you believe you can do anything? What if you believe that you were put here for an amazing purpose? What if you believe that the dreams in your heart that call to you, that truly scare you, is the Universe whispering it needs those dreams to come through you? What if you believe that there is someone, me, who believes with you and that together we can find a way to manifest your dreams?

I believe that whatever calls to you, whatever your heart desires, desires you. You are a unique creation and you deserve to realize your dreams. I also believe in “heaven on earth.” I believe that our job is to find our way back to that place…if even for a moment.

Have you ever experienced “heaven on earth?” I have, especially with my nieces and nephews. There’s nothing like when a child cups your face and looks into your eyes, while sucking his thumb. Or, holding my niece consoling her as she whimpers for her mother (who I’m trying to let sleep a few minutes longer) and she quiets down as long as I hold her. Or, a breathtaking sunrise over the mountains. Or, a gratitude walk with God, just appreciating everything I have in my life. Or, coaching a client and because of the connection and movement during our session, at the end, feeling like I’ve added to the sum total of loving in the Universe.

So, what if you believe that we’re suppose to have many, many, moments like that, both in your everyday life and in your work. What if you believe that it’s possible to do what you love and be prosperous? What if you believe that you have a right to be prosperous and abundantly supplied? And, what if you believe that anything is truly possible? How would you look at tomorrow? Would you see the abundance all around you? Would you answer the call on your life? Would you find a way to take just one single step toward making your dreams come true? Would you ask for help and find someone who could believe with you?

I am here to tell you “it” is possible…anything is possible. And, if that’s true, then dream big, take a chance and believe, and take a step in that direction and watch the magic. Watch as support comes from everywhere, and even the least likely places. Just believe.

Many Blessings,

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, It can achieve.”
–Napoleon Hill

January 31, 2007

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Author: Kamin Samuel, PhD

Kamin Samuel, PhD, is an international Rapid Transformation Coach and Therapist who guides business owners, executives, and coaches in growing their business and changing their lives in rapid time. She has a unique gift for transforming limiting beliefs and behaviors to help her clients achieve their goals and uplevel the quality of their life overall. Kamin has the distinction of being the U.S. Navy's first female African-American helicopter pilot. She has a background in information technology, web development and online merchandising. She also served as a Vice President of Global Website Operations at a billion-dollar company. Kamin is an award-winning author of the Amazon bestsellers "Increase Your Abundance Starting Today!" and the "Wealth Transformation Journal."

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