The Money Lab

for Coaches

In The Money Lab Monthly Membership Program, you will learn tools, techniques, and tips to transform your relationship with money. We will question your money beliefs, and develop a new money story which will help you create the thriving coaching business you’re looking for.

What Are You Struggling With?

  • Are you curious what six-figure coaches do to create a prosperous practice?
  • Are you experiencing money cycles…it comes in and the goes out too quickly?
  • Do you feel like you’ve run out of people to talk to?
  • Are you feeling lonely and isolated in your business?
  • Are you giving and giving in sessions and no one is hiring you?
  • Are you in low six-figures looking to grow and don’t know how to scale?
  • Have you thought, "No one will pay me that kind of money!"

If so, the Money Lab Program is where you want to be.

Are You Ready To Fix It?

Many coaches come to me asking the question, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I make money (or more money) as a coach?” We’re going to do it differently because the focus of this lab is on:

What is RIGHT with you!

We will work on removing any beliefs or constructs that stand in the way of you knowing that. We’ll also be identifying your signature strengths and how to leverage those as a coach.

Each week in this The Money Lab Monthly Membership, we’ll discuss money beliefs and ways to rewire them into our subconscious. We will use both real life experiences and science based tools from positive psychology, neuroplasticity and neuropsychology to help you create new thoughts, beliefs and actions. We’ll also leverage strategies from Steve Chandler’s Advanced Client Systems (ACS) and Online Coaching Prosperity Schools to transform your practice, your life, and the world.

And, the great thing now is that you can join at any time and when you feel like you have cleared all of your money blocks, you can leave The Money Lab. There are no refunds but you can simply cancel your membership and it will end at the end of the month you paid for.

In The Money Lab Monthly Membership Program, you will learn tools, techniques, and tips to transform your relationship with money. We will question your money beliefs, and develop a new money story which will help you create the thriving coaching business you’re looking for.


Money Lab Monthly Membership Program?

The Money Lab is a hybrid program of live and prerecorded videos designed to assist you in testing many tools and modalities to help you expand your wealth mindset. This program is for you If you are willing to be a learner, a researcher, and to stay open in service to assisting others, bringing all your gifts and abilities forward.

You’ll be developing skills that you can use over and over again as you grow your business - AND it’s fun!

Unrivaled Support

Our goal is to provide the best guidance, advice, and encouragement as you pursue this amazing and achievable dream.

Group Collaboration

Participate with fellow members who understand what it means to have coaching be their passion and calling.

Monetize Your Skills

Struggling is a thing of the past as you grow, develop, and learn how to make a true living and thrive financially from coaching.

“In the wide world of coaching, there is no one better than Kamin Samuel at assisting coaches with their challenges and missed opportunities around money. I wish I’d had her help at the beginning of my career!”

- Steve Chandler

Author of How to Get Clients

The Coaching Prosperity School

A Little Sneak Peek From the Lab

Here is a small preview from the 2023 Money Lab Introduction so you can get a feel for what the space and environment is like to help you foster true success.

Common Money Lab Monthly Member Info & FAQs

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What is the focus of the program?

    • Becoming a Money Scientist.
    • Identifying and clearing limiting money beliefs to creating a successful business.
    • Exploration into the magic and play of money creation.
    • You will learn secret Laws and Principles designed to elevate your success.
    • We will be discussing what I call, The Crime of Not Charging…or charging appropriately.
    • Q&As and reviews to create your new unique new money story.
    • Identifying your character strengthens and how to leverage them in your business and your life.
    • Monetizing your gifts to accelerate your learning and success.
    • Aligning with your unique energy to thrive.
    • Creating a Power Goal for your business – understanding the benefits, new mindset and new habits for success.
    • Continuous experimentation with what money is and does in your life and business.
    • And more…
  • What are the requirements for me to enroll?

    • Openness, coachability and clear commitment to being in exploration and experimentation on a weekly basis.
    • Willing to make mistakes and keep in the game of coaching in the name of serving.
    • Willingness to share authentically in the group and support and encourage others in the group.
  • What are the logistics of the course / How does it work?

    While it is not a requirement to attend all virtual sessions Live via Zoom, it is highly encouraged for consistency and for transforming your relationship to money:

    • Two 90-minute group coaching calls per month. There is a morning Lab on the first Tuesday and one evening Money Lab on the third Tuesday of each month.
    • All calls will be recorded. You’ll have access forever.
    • You’ll receive videos to guide you in your experimentation.
    • You’ll receive weekly money experiments that will be easy and fun to test and play with.
    • You’ll receive a copy of Wealth Creation for Coaches (as long as able to easily ship from Amazon US, CA, UK).
    • Additional bonuses, resources, assignments, Makeup Labs, and unexpected surprises!

    The program is truly designed to move you into being a working coach or creating your next level as a working coach…which may include slowing down to make more!

  • What is Kamin's commitment and involvement?

    Not only am I 100% invovled and active in each session, I am also ready to share:

    • 100% commitment to your growth and success.
    • Showing you how to leverage and monetize your strengths and your Zone of Genius.
    • Helping you to create wins, areas of opportunity, and utilize your gifts.
    • Being with you as you strengthen the muscles and tools you need to be a highly effective and successful coach.
    • Sharing ALL of my learnings, mistakes, resources, ideas, experience with full transparency.
  • Can I join if I already have a coach?

    Yes. This program is mostly about money, your relationship to it and your growth in creating clients because of your new story with money. If you have a coach, I ask that you bring your explorations and experiments to them.

  • Are there any guarantees?

    Just that I will share everything I can from my experiences and what’s worked with my clients as well as my positive neuropsychology work to assist in your growth. There are no refunds, however.

  • Do I have to attend every session for this to work?

    It’s encouraged both for the learning and consistency to attend live but mostly, so you don’t have to make time later to learn. However, I know you might have things come up, or you may even have a job. If this speaks to you, sign up. Because I’m limiting the size of this group, there are some fun ways I’m crafting to help people easily do the program even if you can’t attend all the sessions. You’ll ALWAYS be welcome! I’ll create a way you can easily jump into the homework and get into testing and experimenting. If you miss a session, definitely keep coming!

  • Will there be a Facebook group?

    Yes. I’ll be putting materials and recordings, as well as answering questions, in the Facebook group for you.

  • I am new to Kamin. Are there any additional videos or materials where she shares more information?

    Yes and Welcome! So glad you’re here. Email me directly and I’m happy to provide more!

The Program Opens Soon!

Please join the waitlist to be notified when the new Money Lab Monthly Membership Program opens.

Money Lab Waitlist

Please Note: There are only a limited number of spots available. The waiting list may close at any time due to maximum capacity.

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What Our Money Lab Coaches Have to Say

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